Friendship advice

Published October 29, 2015 by Anna B

Hey guys! Today I am writing advice and tips on friendship. I know quite a lot about this subject because people who I thought were my “friends” turned out not to be. I was really good friends with this girl in my year for about 8 and a half years. She was a good friend but she also had a not so nice side to her. She would be horrible to me for no reason and sometimes say not very nice things but at the time I kept on forgiving her because she could still be a really good friend too. But until last year, it changed. She said that this other girl in my year had said that I said that I hated her and that I was saying horrible things about her which I wasn’t. She believed the other girl though who she had only known for like 5 minutes rather than me who she had known for 8 years. So she started having a go at me and she just ditched me just like that. I finally decided that enough was enough and I couldn’t be bothered to keep being friends with her. Obviously I was really upset and hurt at the time because she used to be one of my best friends and now we barely say a word to each other but it is better this way. 

My overall advice to you would be…

1. Don’t be friends with someone who only wants to be your friend when they have no one else.

2. Don’t let them control you or make you do something that you don’t wanna do.

3. If they start being horrible to you more than once, you need to stand up for yourself as this is bullying and you should not hang out with that person any more.

4. Find someone to be friends with that you 100% trust and they are nice to you and don’t suddenly turn on you.

5. If your friend turns on you but says sorry give them another chance. Unless they keep on doing it.

6. Talk to them and ask them why they are acting this way and see if you can come to a sort of conclusion together.

Keeping in touch with friends!

Quite a few years ago my BFF (who is still my bff – u know who u are 😉 ) moved house to a different area. I was upset then but it got easier as we have kept in touch and are able to meet up occasionally too. As long as you keep in touch and you both put in the effort then it can be a friendship for life like mine is.

1. Skype is a great way to talk to eachother

2. Phone eachother regularly 

3. Other social media like facebook, whatsapp, snapchat etc… I find very useful too!

Sorry this blog was quite long but I hope you got something out of it. Thanks for reading!

From Anna xxx

P.s please follow my bff who I mentioned a second ago on her blog! It is honestly the best blog I have read! It’s

Go follow 13teens

Published October 27, 2015 by Anna B

Hey everyone!

This is just a short post because all I want you to do is go and follow my forever bff at

There is all sorts of fun stuff to read through, tips and advice, things to do with food, makeup and much more!

Please go and follow her it would mean a lot to me and her.


Anna xxx